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What is Affiliate Marketing and FAQs

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What is Affiliate Marketing and FAQs

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing approach, which involves paying commission through a merchant to other online entities called affiliates. This commission is paid for the sake of referring new business to the website of the merchant. In this marketing, affiliates get paid only when an actual transaction takes place with the help of the promotional efforts conducted by the affiliates. The whole idea is that you promote someone’s product on your website and earn a commission from the seller if people buy that product from your website. 

Affiliate Marketing works on a revenue-sharing model where you can offer rewards to your promoters through affiliate programs in order to have more sales. To have a successful affiliate marketing, you need to really work hard on promoting your website where the products are displayed. People use different digital marketing methods like Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Search Engine Marketing(SEM), E-mail marketing, Content marketing, Blogging and display advertising to get traffic to the merchant’s website.

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