AI Products 

Carrier Rentals

Carrier Rentals
Carrier Rentals


Carrier Rental Systems offers portable air conditioner rental for both planned climate control needs and emergency response. As a leading provider of portable air conditioner rental, locations across North America, and 24/7 customer service, Carrier is best positioned to respond to your needs in a timely and efficient manner. We provide professional technicians trained to meet you and your organization’s needs. The portable air conditioner rental you choose will come in a range of sizes from 12,000 BTU spot coolers to 80 ton 100% O.A. industrial coolers with optional features depending on your requirements. If you have a project planned which requires temporary climate control or are responding to an emergency, call us today and ask about our portable air conditioner rental policy.

3701 New McEver Rd NW Suite 800
Acworth, GA 30101

Phone: (800) 586-8336

Business Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday - Friday

Website: Carrier Rentals


Carrier Rentals
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