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Julie Alex

At its core, Wikipedia is an open source site and a free platform, which means almost everyone and anyone can write on it and edit it. The site provides credible and authentic information to the global audience and notable viewer and readers. Since it is a free website, you don’t have to pay to use it or for getting access to it. The chief reason as to why millions of people use Wikipedia is that it is trusted with the credibility and reliability of the information that is available on this platform.

Wikipedia consists of a well-established community of some of the most skilled writers, well-trained editors, avid readers, and experienced experts. The content posted on Wikipedia are the contributions of wiki-volunteers. These Wikipedia volunteers not only make pages on Wikipedia but they also maintain and update the information of that page.

To create Wikipedia page one doesn’t necessarily need the assistance of an expert, anyone can write and edit, but the real challenge arises when it comes to following Wikipedia rules and guidelines. To meet every wiki rule and guidelines, many business organizations and companies hire Wikipedia page creation services to get this done. A well-composed Wikipedia page lets you benefit from the credibility of the platform. The credibility of Wikipedia has direct impacts on the reputation and the overall stature of the business and company.

Whether you hire professional services to create Wikipedia page or you do it on your own, either way having a clear understanding of the wiki rule is a must. A successful wiki-page doesn’t happen by accident. Let’s have a glimpse at how to get business success through Wikipedia:


  • Make sure that the business or the brand meets the notability criteria of Wikipedia.

  • Conduct thorough research and study the wiki-articles of the brands and companies of a similar industry niche.

  • Once your research is done, make an account on Wikipedia. Never use your personal or company’s name, email address and official site while creating an account on Wikipedia.

  • Start composing your article. Make the first rough draft and submit it for review.

  • If the content is rejected, make some necessary edits to the content and resubmit for review and publication.

  • Keep the language of your content simple and easy to understand as Wikipedia is accessed and used by thousands of people belonging to different global regions and demographics.

  • Don’t include any advertorial content to your wiki article since Wikipedia has very strict policies against promotional content.
Julie Alex
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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