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Pataakha (2018) Full Movie HD Download

Rishita Khanom
Pataakha (2018) Full Movie HD Download

Badki (Radhika Madan) and Chhutki (Sanya Malhotra) sleep in the tiny low city in Rajasthan.

Writers: Vishal Bhardwaj, Charan Singh Pathik

Stars: Sanya Malhotra, Radhika Madan, Sunil Grover

Dipper (Sunil Grover) is their snoopy neighbor, World Health Organization is often on the lookout for a chance to form the sisters visit war, whereas their father (Vijay Raaz), one parent, is often making an attempt to form peace between the war-ridden sisters.

Pataakha is that the story of sisters World Health Organization likes to hate one another.

The sisters virtually need to strangle and choke the life out of every different.

Rishita Khanom
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