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Software Requirement Specification: How to make SRS for your project [with examples]

Maya Krapivnyk
Software Requirement Specification: How to make SRS for your project [with examples]

Fortunately, here we explain the paramount importance of writing SRS documentation for any project - web or mobile, share our best instructional guidelines on how to write a practical and useful SRS to prevent some issues your team may come across.

Applied to identify the requirements by analyzing the existing documents - business plans, contractual agreements,logical data models, current process flows before organizing or scheduling an interview with stakeholders.

Applied to build an initial version of the solution that may not have all the functionality but serves as a proof of concept for idea verification/further analysis.

Represents ideas and their branches hierarchically, and helps to visualize the relationship among all components of the system.

It allows you to invent new ideas collectively and make sure your document is organized and focused.

This may include software and QA/QC engineers, business analysts (BAs), project managers (PMs) as well as customers, persons involved from other departments, including team leads, sales or marketing teams.

Maya Krapivnyk
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