The Dutch citizenship
A Dutch passport or identity card can only be issued to a Dutch national. You can find more information on how a person
can acquire Dutch citizenship under the current Dutch citizenship law in the Dutch government website. Issues of
nationality can be quite complex, especially those in which one of the of the grandparents was the Dutch
national. The Embassy is not in a position to carry out nationality investigations, as these can be very time consuming.
You can contact a lawyer in the Netherlands, who specializes in the citizenship law in order to get your opinion on your
citizenship status.
If you have all the necessary documents to prove that you acquired Dutch citizenship through your Dutch father or
Dutch mother, please read the information on this website regarding a first passport application time.
If you are not a Dutch citizenship, but I believe that you are eligible to apply for the Dutch citizenship and that you are
living in the UK, then please read the information on the 'Apply for Dutch citizenship' page before getting in contact
with the embassy.