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Are you Left or Right Brained?

Olive asia
Are you Left or Right Brained?

Are you a left or right brained? Do you have a logic thinking or a creative thinking? Not sure of which side of the brain you are using?

If you are towards analytical and logic thinking you’re are a left-brained, if you tend to be more creative thinking or an artistic mindset, you’re a right- brained.

Are you wonder how is this left or right brain related to wed designing and web developer? This actually matter a lot as both of the it is different from each other.

As a web designer, you need to be a right-brained. The designer’s job is to be creative and uses intuition and imagination. And also have a strong knowledge on variety of concepts such as coloring, typography and user experience.

As for web developer, you are a left-brained. Skilled in technical ability and logic thinking. Strong knowledge on computer science and programming. Being a web developer, you are more detail-oriented and keen on specifics.

Whether you are using the left or right side of your brain. You can find yourself job in a best website design service or web development company in Singapore.

Olive asia
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