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20th Century Furniture Design Art

the history
20th Century Furniture Design Art

Decorating style it'll allow them to proceed with confidence.

Before the 1920 therefore, motifs like rosebuds and garlands characterized Art Deco, but, during the 1920 and 30s, these rounded geometric and abstract motifs replaced themes.

In brief, clean lines and airplanes that were smooth best recognize Art Deco in ceilings, walls, and with contrasting walls and woodwork and fabrics with geometric or flower that was bold patterns.

Modern design avoided using pointless decorations and highlighted the industrial roots of modern building material, furniture, and fabrics.

In a Modern space you will not see performances of bric-a brac or knick knacks in.

These kinds of spaces typically have floor to ceiling windows and exposed material like metal pipes and are very sparsely decorated.

the history
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