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Quick And Easy Guide For PSD To Responsive Joomla Conversion

Emily White
Quick And Easy Guide For PSD To Responsive Joomla Conversion

If you are considering building a website for your business, then probably using a CMS is the best way. When it comes to choosing a CMS (content management system), you get overwhelmed with tons of choices. There are many good CMSs and Joomla is one of the most prominent platforms to build your site. Building a website becomes even convenient with the PSD to Joomla conversion service. You can hire dedicated Joomla developer & programmer to build a custom Joomla template for your business. You can also do this yourself if you have some required knowledge about web development. Moreover, here is a complete process for converting PSD to Joomla conversion.

  • Analyze project

Before converting PSD files into a Joomla template, the first thing that you should do is to analyze your project and understand different parts of the design. Separate pages and items like galleries, menu, text blocks, etc, then determine which components to be implemented into Joomla.

  • Slice the PSD

After analyzing the design, now slice it into various components that you need to implement into Joomla. When necessary, you can group the components. Once sliced, keep the files in different group folders, so that the system will be able to access them easily. Typically, the design files are sliced into different layers like header, footer, navigation, etc, which are implemented into Joomla. You can utilize sophisticated graphics software to perform this step.

  • Coding the design

You may need to seek assistance from a reputed Joomla website development company to code your PSD design. The code is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By using these technologies, the website template is created. Every component of the site is coded and style is added using CSS. The code is created in compliance with the W3C coding standards. It is also kept compliant with search engine optimization standards.

  • Template integration

Once the template is created with PSD to responsive Joomla template conversion procedure, now it has to be integrated with your website. After creating the required code, the template is ready to become the theme of your site. To integrate the template into your Joomla site, you will need many directories and folders to save the data. To install a template, the Joomla system reads the template_details.xml file. When everything is perfect, the template will be integrated into your Joomla website.


If you prefer to create your site on Joomla, then you can choose the best Joomla website development company. There are many companies, which provide Joomla web development services. They can create the best website for your business as they have dedicated Joomla web programmers that have both skills and experience in creating top-class websites on this CMS. However, you should be careful when choosing the development company as many companies may not fulfill your expectations. So, choose the right solution provider to get the best Joomla development services. Make sure the company you choose has the right skills and expertise.

Emily White
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