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Best Corporate Event Photographer in New York - Andrew J Photography

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Best Corporate Event Photographer in New York - Andrew J Photography

Andrew Jones is one of the well-known photographers in New York. Andrew’s passion for clicking pictures combined with his hard work has helped him achieve unprecedented success in the field of photography. He believes, ‘Comfort and communication between a photographer and a model is the key to outstanding pictures’. Andrew started his career in photography in 2004. Andrew’s boutique is located in Queens, New York. He also has a home boutique in Brooklyn. Being one of the best photographers in the industry, Andrew clicks pictures of all kinds of events. However he is well known for wedding and engagement portraits. Andrew also specializes in corporate events & headshot photography. Andrew’s works have been published in New York Post, Hip Hop Weekly and numerous other websites. Andrew clicks pictures at affordable prices. Rather than asking people to pose for him, Andrew clicks candid photos that depict many memories.

Andrew-J-Photography .
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