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mike dj


step 1
Stroke of the foundation of the wall in the ground

All the outline of the base of the foundation is traced, in all its extension.

step 2
Excavation of the foundation of the wall

Excavates the entire traced area and controls the height of the excavation.

Take care that the bottom of the trench is even and clean.

Verify that there is no organic material in the entire ditch, such as roots, animal remains, or others. This is to avoid any

kind of collapse with the passage of time.

It prevents the ditch from being used as garbage while it is kept open or exposed.

step 3

Apply the flooring , which consists of emptying a small layer of poor concrete , or the mixture of cement and sand, to generate a flat surface, where the location of the steel will be traced.

step 4
Placing the steel reinforcement for the wall

Place the steel of the foundation and at the same time the steel of the wall itself.

Check that the steel grid of the foundation is isolated or separated from the ground by placing dice lean concrete . This way we guarantee that the grill is at the height indicated by the construction plan made by a specialist. The vertical steel must

be perfectly horizontal.

step 5
Emptying the concrete of the foundation of the wall

Always take care of the verticality of the steel of the wall and that it does not move from the grill or from the set of iron

rods in the foundation . Then, the concrete is emptied .

Prepare the concrete on a surface free of organic material such as roots, plants, debris, and so on.

Construction of retaining wall, cement bag, wheelbarrow with concrete, dripping canopy, build well, master Construction retaining wall, worker throws cement in ditch, builds well, master
step 6
Placement of drain pipes

As soon as the concrete has been emptied from the foundation , prepare the main body of the concrete wall. Do not forget to

check the verticality of the wall prior to the placement of the drainage tubes .

step 7
Formwork of the retaining wall

Before forming or molding the wall, verify the correct vertical and horizontal steel placement.

Place the formwork or mold, checking that the face of the wood is separated from the steel; for this we will use the concrete dice again .

Never use wood, tin, stone, or any other material other than concrete dies . These are really solid and will help the grill to be at the desired level.

Verify that the vertical steel is perfectly horizontal.

step 8
Filling concrete with the retaining wall

Put the concrete with a vibrated r or motorized iron rods so that it is distributed well. You can also manually use thick rods

to make the concrete uniform. This is colloquially called "chucear".

Unhook or remove the wooden mold from the retaining wall the day after emptying.

Retaining wall contractors, workers working on retaining wall, build well, master

The concrete you use must have a minimum strength of 210 Kg / cm2. To achieve this, you need this proportion of the mixture.

mike dj
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