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Retail Banking Market Dynamics Germany

sneha aark
Retail Banking Market Dynamics Germany

Retail Banking Market Dynamics Germany 2018, report identifies macroeconomic and competitive dynamics that impact upon the German retail banking market. It provides insight into the outlook for deposits, credit cards, personal loans, and mortgages; net changes in market share across all four product areas; and overall financial performance, including profitability, efficiency, and income sources.

The retail mortgage and deposits markets in Germany reported strong growth during 2013-17, but they are expected to decelerate in the next five years. The personal loan market is set to register improved growth during 2018-22 compared with the preceding five-year period, while the credit card market is forecast to grow at a steady rate.


- Among the top banks in the German retail deposits market, Hypo Vereins bank increased its market share the most over the review period.
- Commerz bank outperformed the top banks with the highest annual growth rate in mortgage loan balances in 2017.
- Credit card balances are expected to record a compound annual growth rate of 3.8% over 2018-22.

Reasons to buy

- Identify factors affecting growth prospects across the deposit, credit card, personal loan, and mortgage markets.
- Track competitor gains and losses in market share.
- Assess the financial performance of competitors.

Category: Finance And Banking Market Research
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