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What is Creatinine and How to Control It?

Jatin sharma
What is Creatinine and How to Control It?

Creatinine is a type of chemical waste that your kidneys eliminate along with the urine. This waste fluid gets produced with wear and tear of muscles, stays in the blood, and efficaciously excreted out by the filters of the kidneys. But if chance, your blood have a high creatinine level, this symbolizes your renal is not working healthily.

Sometimes for an interim time, the body may show up the symptoms of an increased creatinine level which happens because of lifestyle changes and are non-permanent, such as excess consumption of protein. Therefore, in order to diagnose the condition, the test should show positive results for three or more times.

What are the causes of a high creatinine level?

A doctor performs blood or urine test to diagnose how well kidneys are eliminating creatinine from the blood. Any damage to the filters of the kidneys results in conditions related to kidney disease. These damages may hold an account to:

  • A decrease in the blood flow to the kidneys results in kidney damage
  • Sudden dehydration can also result in high creatinine levels
  • People with chronic kidney disease also have creatinine in their blood
  • Glomerulonephritis is a type of disease that affects the filters of the kidneys called glomeruli
  • High blood sugar level for a prolonged time
  • Gout
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Goodpasture syndrome
  • Autoimmune system related diseases such as lupus
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • A sudden shock

It is essential to connect with your healthcare provider for the right treatment to cure high creatinine levels. Although there are allopathic ways to treat the condition, the condition can easily be cured naturally with creatinine Treatment in Ayurveda.

What are the ways to control the high creatinine level in the blood?

  1. Avoid creatinine based supplements

Creatine is a chemical waste that is produced in the liver also. It is carried to the muscles to be used for energy.  After that, the amount not used by the muscles gets converted into creatinine. Some medications or supplements also contain creatine and when a person uses these supplements, the level of it increases in the blood.

In order to reduce this waste in the blood, avoid these creatinine supplements.

In order to reduce this waste in the blood, avoid these creatinine supplements.

  1. Abstain from eating too much protein

Overconsumption of protein can cause a temporary spike in the creatinine levels. If you already have increased creatinine levels, then it further adds to the problem. Cooked meat is particularly harmful to people with CKD as it is rich in creatinine. So, when a person eats meat after cooking it, their creatinine levels will rise.

You can withdraw the situation by substituting high proteins foods such as dairy products with vegetable proteins.

  1. Drink plenty of water

While too much liquid can be harmful in the late stages of kidney disease, dehydration and lack of fluids can raise creatinine levels in the body. It is better to consult your doctor about the amount of liquid you should drink.

 For this, have at least 7 to 8 glasses of water with a drop of lime juice to cleanse your blood of the waste. You can alternatively take herbal tea or green tea to increase fluid intake.

  1. Eat more fiber

One or more study has shown the significant reductions in creatinine levels in people who have chronic kidney disease with an increased fiber intake.

Fiber can be found in many foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Increase your fiber intake and observe your creatinine levels.

  1. Avoid rigorous exercise

Exercising for long or doing rigorous exercise may put you at the risk of a high creatinine secretion. Creatinine is directly hooked up with muscle use or muscle mass. Those who have more muscle mass and do more physical work usually have creatinine.

To overcome the excess production of creatinine, avoid rigorous exercise such as cardiac or switch to yoga, cycling or running for better results.

  1. Use salvia

Salvia is a nutritive restorative herb that can treat renal damage. Although it may have a positive effect; it is a hallucinogen so it should be cautiously used.

Other herbs that can help you are:

  • Processed Rehmannia root
  • Dandelion root
  • Stinging nettle
  • Ginseng
  • Chamomile
  • Cinnamon

The takeaway

An increased creatinine level indicates that there is something wrong with your kidneys.  Since allopathic medicines may further spike the level of creatinine; you can cure the condition with the help of some Ayurvedic ways, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications.

Karma Ayurveda is a leading kidney hospital that is based on the principles of Ayurveda. Since 1937, Karma Ayurveda has been on a mission to cure kidney problems with the treatment of Ayurveda. Doctor Puneet Dhawan is currently handling in charge of the hospital and has cured tons of patients with his customized ayurvedic medicines.

If you wish to know more about us, connect at Karma Ayurveda!

Jatin sharma
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