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What foods to avoid if you have Proteinuria?

Rohit Saini
What foods to avoid if you have Proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a problem related to the kidneys. It happens when the kidneys are not healthy enough to restrain protein from leaking out through urine. Protein is a vital nutrient in our body to maintain the health of bones, and muscles.

Hence, when the amount of protein is high in the blood, then it may start coming out with the urine. Unhealthy kidneys and overconsumption of protein are the two primary reasons for Proteinuria.

It is necessary to not include the food items in your diet plan that is high in protein if you have been facing the situation of protein loss.

The people, who do intense exercise, consume protein in a high amount that may cause them with noxious kidney problems. Here you will read about what foods to avoid if you have Proteinuria.

The foods to avoid –

  • Eggs – Whole eggs are counted as the best source of protein, that is why a kidney patient cannot eat eggs.
  • Almonds – They are known as high-protein nuts. A person with kidney related problems should avoid eating almonds.
  • Chicken breast – It is easy to cook and delicious in taste, hence the amount of protein also high in it.
  • Oats – Yes, it also not a healthy food for kidney patients as they are loaded with protein.
  • Cottage cheese – Yummy, lots of people use this word for cottage cheese. But, let us tell you that it is not a healthy food item for a kidney patient.
  • Dairy products – The quantity of protein is very high in the dairy products, so a kidney patient should not include dairy products like milk, curd, cheese and many more in his diet plan.
  • Broccoli – It is high in various bioactive nutrients that are useful to restrain cancer, but it is not healthy for a person with kidney related problems. The amount of protein is high in broccoli that can put pressure on the harmed kidneys.
  • Lean beef – It is accounted as a very high source of protein which is why it is not induced in a kidney-friendly diet plan.

Along with the above-mentioned food items, a person with the problem of Proteinuria and other kidney disorders cannot consume the following things.

Only healthy food is not enough, you need the right treatment like Ayurvedic treatment for Proteinuria to live a disease-free life.

  1. Dark-colored cola
  2. Avocado
  3. Orange juice
  4. Brown rice
  5. Canned food products
  6. Processed meat
  7. Supplements

In case, if you are suffering from the issue of Proteinuria, then consults a health care provider for Ayurvedic treatment. Yes, Ayurveda is the method that works to preserve the disease from its causes, instead of only healing the symptoms of the disease.  Ayurveda is also beneficial because there is no drop of Allopath in it.

Rohit Saini
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