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Whey Protein: Busting All The Myths

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Whey Protein: Busting All The Myths

It is one of the main constituents of our diet which is necessary for the development of our body and for repairing of the tissues.

If it is in excess then also it is harmful and one would suffer from the problems of liver and kidney, uric acid stores in joints leading to gout and rheumatoid.

It contaminates the blood arteries and veins, which ultimately gets blocked with waste deposits leading to high blood pressure.

There are about 80 types of amino acid out of which 20 are essential for human metabolism or for growth and development some of them are formed in the liver and others are called essential amino acids which we get from our daily diet.

These amino acids are provided by different food items like cereals, pulses, leafy vegetables, etc.

Whey protein is required as supplementation, alongside resistance exercise, to help improve athletic performance and increase strength, Increase in the muscles and promote the growth of lean muscle mass.

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