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Six IoT Security Concerns To Keep In Mind While Developing Mobile Apps

Smart Sight
Six IoT Security Concerns To Keep In Mind While Developing Mobile Apps

Thus, the Internet of Things network and device security are factors that developers wish to focus upon these days.

Thus, it is up to the app developers to program the applications in such a way that they do not support setting up weak passwords.

Attackers Using Vulnerable Insecure Devices In The IoT Network

Hacking incidents involving the use of Wi-Fi Pineapple and Raspberry Pi have proved how hackers can quickly start surveilling any IoT network with these rogue devices.

Unfortunately, studies show that IoT gadgets connected to the internet sometimes lack even basic data encryption features.

Researchers found serious issues with web interfaces of 24 percent of the IP/CCTV cameras, VoIP phones, DSL/cable modems, and routers that were studied for vulnerabilities.

Smart Sight
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