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Side Effects Of Steroids and Health Problems

Health Care MOM
Side Effects Of Steroids and Health Problems

What are the causes of Steroids Intake?

Steroids have been distinguished into 2 types- Anabolic steroids and catabolic steroids (where anabolism refers to formation of complex substances and catabolism refers to breakdown into simpler units).

Anabolic steroids are the androgenic steroids which are responsible for the production of testosterone, part of it is responsible for the sexual characteristics and the other part, the anabolic part is responsible for the increase of body mass with the help of increase in body protein.

On the other hand catabolic steroids also known as corticosteroids produced in the adrenal gland located above the kidney.

Now we just have to worry about anabolic steroids as catabolics have their uses in medicine and illness.

Unnecessary intake of steroids lead to increase in Hormonal level and many problems like High Blood Pressure, elevated cholesterol liver damage, heart problems, acne , baldness or behavioral changes caused due to excessive testosterone levels.

Health Care MOM
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