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STERIS Corporation are Leading player in Operating Room Equipment & Supplies Market

Ritika Tyagi
STERIS Corporation are Leading player in Operating Room Equipment & Supplies Market

The global operating room equipment market is segmented on the basis of product, type, and end user. By product, the market is categorized into operating room supplies and operating room equipment. The operating room supplies are estimated to account for the largest share of the global model market, by product. It is also expected to be the fastest-growing market segment owing to the growing incidence of chronic diseases, increase in the number of surgical procedures, and rising geriatric population. 

In addition, governments across various countries are taking regulatory actions to fortify hospitals with the essential infection control standards to prevent the spread of HAIs (hospital-acquired infections), thus boosting the demand for operating room supplies.

The Operating Room Equipment Market is segmented into Anesthesia Machines, Electrosurgical Units, Multi-parameter Patient Monitors, Surgical Imaging Devices, Operating Tables, and Operating Room Lights. In 2015, Anesthesia Machines is expected to command the largest share of the global operating room equipment market, by type.

The supplies market is segmented into Surgical Instruments, Disposable Materials, Accessories, and Other OR Supplies. Other supplies include OR safety products, procedure trays & packs, kidney trays, table pads, circuits, and battery handles. In 2015, Surgical Instruments is expected to command the largest share of the global operating room supplies market, by type.

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The research report also covers the operating room equipment & supplies market by end user, which includes Hospitals, Outpatient Facilities, and Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs). In 2015, Hospitals are expected to command the largest share of the global operating room equipment market, by end user.

Growing investments, funds, and grants by government bodies worldwide, rising number of hospitals, increasing patient preference for minimally invasive surgeries, growing number of regulatory approvals for operating room equipment, and growing number of geriatric population coupled with the increasing number of surgeries globally are some of the factors that are expected to drive the growth of the global operating room equipment market in the coming years.

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Ritika Tyagi
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