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Electric Grill Market Key Manufacturers, Development Trends And Competitive Analysis 2028

preet gambhir
Electric Grill Market Key Manufacturers, Development Trends And Competitive Analysis 2028

In response to growing consumer preference for grilling delicious meat at home without the need for checking temperature, adding charcoal, and dealing with smoke, manufacturers of smart kitchen appliances have developed electric grill. Although charcoal grill have perceived higher preference for grilling food in light of their traditional attraction, more consumers are currently preferring electric grills on account of their convenience and ability of using indoors.

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As these grills rely on electricity as fuel source for heating surface and grill plate, they alleviate restrictions of charcoal or gas grills with regard to apartment barbecuing. Indoor use without smoke problems is a key benefit of electric grills, which has underpinned their demand since the recent past. Fact.MR’s recent analytical research projects the electric grill market to reflect a splendid 9.0% CAGR between the forecast period 2018 and 2028.

The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) foresees a promising future for the barbecue industry, with nearly 30%of North America’s consumers estimated to use their smoker or grill. Grilling is gaining widespread momentum as a year-round passion. In North America, barbecuing is no longer deemed as leisure activity, but an integral part of consumers’ lifestyle. Passion for flavorful foods is further likely to trace an upward graph in the region, implying a bright future for grilling & barbecuing industry.

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Survey from HPBA states that over one-third consumers in North America eye on purchasing new grill, with electric grills accounting for nearly 10% of the overall grill sales. Although holding a relatively lower share in the industry, electric grills are expected to witness increased demand in the near future in light of their indoor use convenience and energy-efficient attributes. This will significantly influence future growth of the electric grill market in North America.

Integration of technology into cooking appliances has led toward the development of innovative cooking products, which are in line with consumer demand for convenience and saves their energy and time. Smart cooking grills are in high demand worldwide, with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi-enabled electric grills gaining the center stage among affluent consumers.

Connected electric grills, such as Weber’s line of IGrills, that feature Bluetooth connectivity have witnessed a rise in momentum as they facilitate instant and remote monitoring of grilling activities. However, high cost of these electric grills have confined their penetration to high-income consumers. Manufacturers such as Weber are therefore taking development efforts toward production of cost-effective connected electric grills, in a bid to tap the potential of developing markets.

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