cement board claddings can be found in all the coverage of the building including the facade, walls, internal and external, etc. false ceiling, internal and external used, and because changes in the weather conditions, harm to the product does not reflect can be downloaded from view cement in wet areas and harsh weather conditions also used. For information on prices and how to order with us contact call.
application fiber cement in buildings, How is it?
fiber cement board claddings by the screw on the metal structure, which on the facade or interior wall or exterior of the building is embedded, attached, canis profile metal structure depending on the type of application of fiber cement and also the type of building and number of floors will be different. It is very important to install fiber cement observe the seams expansion, and how sealing canis .
fiber cement how to produce?
if your choice as a building construction the use of fiber cement is, then the inalienable right of yours to know how is produced, and the constituent components of it are .
ferro-concrete products, peacemaker, made with fibers that are called fiber cement board claddings, or ferro-concrete products, fibers, housewife, are known., the mixture homogenization of cement, silica, etc., fibers and water that have been in the complex process called machine hot Czech Hatschek is produced, that the action of the final they air dry, or machine, ironing کلاوAutoclave) )can be.
what is fiber cement, insulation, moisture, is it?
the plates cemented to the fibers of ( cement) In terms of being عمداتا of cement have been made inherently with the damp environment and water, compatibility are good, but because the presence of cellulose fibers in their composition and property of water absorption, the top of the material when the saturation of moisture ( what is direct and what by means of steam and the moisture contained in the air expander and when dry contracts are and the tension caused by this decrease and increase the length on the junction ( location of the screws ) your cursor is in trouble will be .
to avoid this, species disadvantages فایبرسمنت range on the back panel, sealer, for use of the panel, both primer and paint the task done. the moisture absorption to a minimum, be completed .