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NXT TakeOver Toronto: Live updates, results and match ratings

Geekz Snow
NXT TakeOver Toronto: Live updates, results and match ratings

On Sunday WWE puts on SummerSlam, the second biggest wrestling event of the year.

Saturday, though, is all about NXT, WWE's "developmental" brand.

I put developmental in quotes, because NXT's pay-per-view style TakeOver shows are not only always more fun than WWE's pay-per-views, they're arguably the most consistently excellent wrestling shows out there.

NXT TakeOver, like all other TakeOvers, has just five matches.

Headlining the show is Adam Cole defending his NXT Championship against Johnny Gargano in a Two out the Three Falls match; Gargano won their first bout back in April, and Cole won the return match in June, so this one, as they say, is for all the marbles.

Another standout match is the triple threat match that pits NXT North American Champion Velveteen Dream against Roderick Strong and Pete Dunn.

Geekz Snow
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