Almost every office and home has a computer network of some kind, but they can be confusing as hell.
If you want to stop relying on an IT whiz for help with networks, today’s deal might be for you.
Introduction to Computer Networks for Non-Techies is pretty self-explanatory.
This learning kit is designed specifically for people who struggle to get their head around tech concepts.
We’re spotlighting it today because it’s on special offer for just $18 right now.
Short and easily-understandable video tutorials.

Now let's take a look at the most prominent business applications of CNNs - convolutional neural networks and see how it is applied and what kind of benefits it brings to the business.

You don’t need an expensive college degree to become a computer science whiz anymore.
Online courses are much more affordable, and you can pick and choose the parts that interest you most.
The 2019 Complete Computer Science Bundle is a great example.
It covers the most vital technologies used in industry and it makes an excellent platform to launch your tech career.
Learn to code in several widely-used programming languages.
Naturally, you’ll learn to code in several widely-used programming languages, such as Python and JavaScript.

Augmented Reality is in its nascent stage but it has shown its true colors through apps like Snapchat, Yelp, and Wikitude.
This article will help you to understand the basics of Augmented Reality SDK and in case you are interested in making your own AR mobile apps, keep reading to know the insights.
The latest version of EasyAR (1.3.1) has been developed to support the image recognition alone.
The advanced 2.0 version has some exceptional features that include:
To get the benefit of EasyAR, the users only need to register their account in order to get the plugin’s key from the bundle ID.
The database is generated online via Tracking Manager.

This professional is thought by a wide range of titles, including network administrator, info security analyst, and enterprise information expertise analyst and information expertise project supervisor.
The job attracts potentially profitable salaries and provides an array of opportunities for personal progress.
Support specialists work on a group with others, striving to meet buyer satisfaction objectives and figuring out the best ways to maintain calls brief but productive- computer network support.You can begin by working as a technical help analyst or as a project management assistant.
This publicity will allow you to find out how information know-how infrastructures work and hone your troubleshooting expertise.
This can be an IT consulting firm, government entity and even the military.
An information know-how professional works to monitor and manage laptop hardware, software and networks inside a company.A business-to-business customer pipeline could be developed nearly entirely by way of the usage of a social networking site.