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Maersk, Blackbuck partnership to bring revolution in containerised trucking market

Indian Transport & Logistics News
Maersk, Blackbuck partnership to bring revolution in containerised trucking market

August 21, 2019: Maersk has collaborated with BlackBuck, India’s largest online marketplace for trucking, to provide an online marketplace for containerised trucking in EXIM logistics in India.

The Indian government has set ambitions to reduce logistics cost from 14 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) to less than 9 percent by 2022.

The new platform will be owned and operated by BlackBuck with Maersk supporting BlackBuck to develop compelling industry-specific solutions.

The neutral platform will be open to the whole industry and will empower sustainable growth & efficiency by reducing touchpoints in the supply chain; thereby improving customer experience, matching demand-supply through the year and provide consistency in service delivery through real-time visibility and control.

Announcing the collaboration with BlackBuck, Arjun Maharaj, head of sales, Maersk South Asia, said, “Our customers are dealing with fragmented vendors with varying service levels of communication, geographical, financial & infrastructural disparities resulting in suboptimal supply chains.

At Maersk, we have committed ourselves to work with partners who understand these challenges, match our set of values and have expertise in both logistics & technology.”

Indian Transport & Logistics News
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