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Pushing Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

Steffan Devin
Pushing Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

Belly fat doesn't discriminate. Both men and women are subject Proactol XS Review to unsightly tummy fat. Men tend to have a "beer" belly or love handles. Women usually have a pot belly, thick waist or saggy tummy after childbirth. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, belly fat accumulates more quickly. Sitting at a desk for eight hours contributes toward the buildup of excess belly fat. Let's consider the ways to get rid of that treacherous tummy fat so we're on the way to six pack abs.

Let's face the facts, they call it a "beer" belly for a good reason. Minimize your alcohol consumption to get flatter abs. Alcohol has no nutrients so it's simply adding empty calories to your diet. All the calories consumed through alcohol are stored as fat, which typically goes right to your belly. Moderation is key so avoid drinking alcoholic beverages everyday and drink less when you do indulge.

We all know the famous saying we aren't made to be junk. If we're created healthy, it makes no sense to stuff our bodies with junk food. Refined carbohydrates, salty snacks and sugary treats raise your blood sugar and reduce the body's fat burning abilities. Ultimately, they also make you feel hungrier so you wind up eating more. Get rid of the cake, cookies, chips and candy to get rid of belly fat.Being refined is only good in a prestigious social setting. Refined flours create foods that build belly fat. Avoid food made with "white" or refined flour including pasta, cakes, white bread and donuts. These food cause bloating, indigestion and belly fat. Fill up on good carbohydrates such as fresh veggies and fruit, wholemeal breads, brown rice and oats.

If you're noshing in front of the television or while reading a good book before bed, you're adding to your belly fat problem. Losing tummy fat means avoiding late night snacks. Because you go right to bed, you aren't working off the calories. The sugar levels in your blood stream soar and the excess sugar turns into unwanted fat.You can't get rid of stomach fat without exercising. Sitting on the coach or in front of your computer isn't considered exercise. Go walking, swimming, bicycling, workout at the gym, play basketball, do sit-ups...just get moving! Make sure exercise is fun so you don't dread it but look forward to it.



Steffan Devin
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