“We didn’t want to repeat what happened in California, which started out with a good bill with a lot of community support,” said Leslie Turner, the organizer for PLAN Action’s mass liberation project.
We were hypervigilant and didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes (as California).”Assembly Bill 125, the bail reform bill that came closest to passing before dying in the session’s last days, mandated custody review hearings within 72 hours, and judges would have been required to consider the least restrictive bail conditions.
Las Vegas Bail Bonds the legislation would not have applied to first degree murder cases.PLAN Action, the Clark County Black Caucus, NAACP Las Vegas and Faith Organizing Alliance, all groups lobbying for bail reform, opposed the legislation because it would still leave people in jail for days awaiting bail hearings.“(Lawmakers) made all these changes to satisfy the district attorneys and they made all these changes to satisfy the courts,” she said.
“But we are trying to create systemic changes.”‘If you have the money, you can get out of jail’Over the last year, PLAN’s Mass Liberation Project has raised money to bail out people sitting in jail for infractions as minor as traffic violations.
Most recently, during Father’s Day weekend, the group paid the bail for three fathers.However, that’s just a drop in the bucket.
That amounts to about 2,800 people in CCDC on any given day.Robert Langford, a local attorney who is part of the bail reform coalition, said there is no local data on the reasons why people are in jail, the racial breakdown of who is sitting behind bars or the costs of keeping the jails full of people prior to their conviction.Additionally, there is no analysis indicating cash bail keeps the community safer.