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Cambridge Auto Wreckers for all of your automotive parts needs

Kitchener Auto Recyclers
Cambridge Auto Wreckers for all of your automotive parts needs

When a company has impressive numbers to back up their years in the business, or land for largely spread inventory there is a reason for it. Waterloo Auto Wreckers has been in business for 35 years and counting, and continues to serve their customers with integrity and honesty daily. With automotive parts that take over 11 acres of property. There are a few unique factors that make up what the company is today. They provide prompt and dedicated service to all of their customers and offer an online tracking system where you can search for any various parts whether it be car or truck parts that are available. There is an extensive amount of domestic, European and niche parts that Kitchener Auto Parts has collected. Some parts include but of course are not limited to, Engines, Fuel pumps, Hoods, Tail lights, Wheels, Alternators, Axles, Transmissions, Calipers, Radiators, Window motors and so much more.

Waterloo Auto Wreckers offers the best value on quality automotive parts at cost effective prices. Not only are you doing whats best for your wallet, but you are doing whats best for the environment as well. These parts have been assessed by professionals before being put on the lot for purchase. The great thing about Kitchener Auto Parts is that they have a smooth and easy process for those wanting to donate or discard of their vehicles.

Visit the website at www.cambridgeautowreckers.com where you can see a detailed list of parts, there is also a user-friendly registration form if you are looking to sell your scrap vehicle. Visit the location for all of your parts and automotive needs today.

Sorce: https://bit.ly/2k1GHdH

Kitchener Auto Recyclers
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