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Lifestyle Changes To Ensure Problem-Free Transition into Menopause

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Lifestyle Changes To Ensure Problem-Free Transition into Menopause

Menopause occurs due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body after the age of 40’s and it is a natural process. For some, the transition would be a smooth process without any problems while some may face certain difficulties, making it a stressful period. Ayurvedic resorts in Kerala focus on providing treatments for women going through this transition. With plenty of Kerala Ayurvedic resorts packages being offered by plenty of Ayurveda hospitals in Kerala, why not choose one to rejuvenate and refresh yourself?

Here are some Ayurveda recommended lifestyle changes to make in order to make this phase a smooth and problem-free one:

  1. Take up any kind of exercise like yoga, swimming, brisk walking, running and cycling every day.
  2. Fast twice a month and have only a fruit diet and lemon water to flush out the toxins from your body.
  3. Go for morning or evening walks in an open space such as a garden to get in fresh air. This helps in letting out anxiety and depression.
  4. Indulge in any of your favorite hobbies to maintain a relaxed and positive attitude to people and life.
  5. Practice meditation every day to relive stress and to avoid any negative energy.

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