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Top 11 Amazing Features of iOS 13 that you need to know right before the Official Launch

Prismetric Technologies
Top 11 Amazing Features of iOS 13 that you need to know right before the Official Launch

Since then, it has been 12 years, and Apple never fails to amaze the mobile tech world with its genius.

So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to dive into the world of iOS 13.

iOS 13 will have a modified keyboard that can be regulated and used by the user to write Chinese.

The keyboard will have more space so that the customer can write more kanji lines and also full sentences.

Moreover, iOS 13 will also have a separate button which is solely for the emoticons.

The user can switch easily between different languages by using the emoticon key, this key offers amazing user experience as compared to the previous single globe key.

Prismetric Technologies
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