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How to sell an inherited car?

Archie Heron
How to sell an inherited car?

In the beginning you need to re-register the car in his name.

You will need: a court decision on inheritance acquisition (or notary certification of inheritance), identity card, passport of the vehicle (if it was issued), the registration certificate and insurance policy.

Selling the car, draw up a contract of purchase and sale (2 copies), stating: the data of the buyer and seller (name, surname, social security number, address, ID number), information about the car and writing off the registration, cost, and date of signing the contract.

Selling a car should contact the insurer to not extended the policy.

To avoid paying tax on profits from the sale of the car, you should wait six months after the end of the month in which occurred the confirmation of inheritance of a vehicle.

Such a contract should not be signed in the presence of a notary (as in the case of purchase/sale of real estate).

Archie Heron
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