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Why is it not worth smoking cigarettes?

Archie Heron
Why is it not worth smoking cigarettes?

The impact of cigarettes on our health

Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes is no good, that they have a lot of side effects on our body. Another cigarette is like a "nail in the coffin" - how many times have you heard that ? And what are the actual effects of smoking ?

Smokers are twice as likely to develop cancer as non-smokers. In their case, these are usually cancers of the larynx or the lungs. Cigarette smoke also has an impact on the development of cancer of the pancreas, stomach, kidneys, bladder and cervix.

Smoking women have menopause much sooner because their body deprives them of oestrogen faster. Smoking in men almost always impairs erections.

Cigarettes raise blood pressure by around 10 mmHG. If you smoke a pack a day when you're young, it's a safe bet that you'll be plagued by high blood pressure in the future!

Smokers are more prone to illness, circulatory disorders and stroke and heart attack.

A packet of cigarettes, however, is a cup of tar for your lungs. Hence the hoarseness and coughing.

Smokers have a damaged arterial endothelium making atherosclerosis more likely. Cigarette smoke also harms your environment - your family.

Non-smokers who spend about 20 hours a week in a smoky room are up to 45% more likely to contract smoking-related diseases.

When you smoke, you worsen your quality of life and shorten your life expectancy. The best way to undo the damage done will be to stop smoking. Just don't smoke for 5 years and your risk of having a heart attack will be significantly reduced. Consistently reduce the dose of nicotine you are putting into your body. You will probably have a bigger appetite when you are quitting smoking, but don't worry about it.

Nowadays, we have plenty of solutions to stop smoking - e-cigarettes, nicotine chewing gum, patches, tablets, etc. Quitting smoking is not easy - everyone knows that. Most do not quit smoking even though they have no money, are persuaded by others, and know the consequences. What argument should be used to finally create eyes for smokers? Since they are shortening their days at their own request. And what is more precious than life? There is no such thing.

Visible benefits of quitting smoking:

- fresh look, no red and irritated eyes,

- improved skin and complexion on the face,

- reduced number of wrinkles,

- improved potency in men,

- whiter teeth,

- fewer diseases and infections,

- healthy and shiny hair,

- more energy for life.

Archie Heron
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