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poppy babyco

The game has constituted throughout all ages an activity consubstantial with the human species, plays a fundamental role in the life and development of the child and is configured as an act necessary for its growth, development and evolution.

We must remember that the game in general constitutes one of the rare human activities that manages to transcend the monumental social, cultural, linguistic, political and geographical barriers that separate the different peoples from the earth.

For this reason, parents, family members, caregivers and teachers should promote play in the lives of children and use toys as tools that favor the learning and maturation of children in the physical, cognitive and psychological spheres.

Parents think that our children play to entertain themselves, but it is not so. After the year, the game helps them to know the world and themselves, and discover everything they can do. We can help you with toys and games appropriate to your age. Everything interests him because he is already able not only to discover the things that surround him, but to interact with them.

The game changes as the child grows. Soon the child will be representing characters and can express and communicate freely; it will also establish rules in the games, exercising their capacity for self-control and autonomy.

Ne, leaving his own space but watching him and trying to discover the game he likes best.

And another, involving him in family routines that may be new to him: help us place the purchase by taking out the smallest products he can handle with ease, or teach him how to order his room, posing it as a game of putting the toys in a box, let's see how many fit.

Never in the history of humanity has so much attention been given to children as at the present time. For this reason it is necessary that parents get involved and promote the game in their children from the first weeks of life adapting them to the psychomotor acquisitions that are being achieved and perfected as it is produced, gradually but inexorably, the maturation of the nervous system.

The neurological growth of a child when he turns the year is unparalleled with respect to other stages of his life, will not be repeated and develops mainly through the experiences offered by his environment.

It is essential to make a correct choice of our children's toys. It is mandatory therefore that the recreational activity and the games that we provide to the children are consistent with their level of development. Fortunately for years the market offers a wide range of toys adapted to different ages for example poppybabyco.

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Toys and children's development

Toys are essential tools for the good development of the child. It plays an important role in the formation of concepts, skills, expectations and socialization in children.

Children have always had the need for an activity; of moving, browsing, manipulating and experiencing objects, creating, relating, and exchanging actions, experiences and feelings.

The right toy

The game, besides being an activity, helps the child to develop all his psychic, physical and social functions. Children develop the multiple facets of their personality: they learn to relate to the environment, develop their most creative aspects and perfect their multiple abilities by helping them to channel both their physical, mental and emotional vital energy.

All this is of great help in their integral development as complete people, also facilitating their integration into the social environment in which they move. That is why it is essential to find the right toy at every age and moment, and be very aware of the role it will play in the child's development. The game changes as the child grows.

In general, it can be said that in the first 6 months of life, the most advisable toys are those that help the child to discover his body, to stimulate his senses (with different colors, shapes and textures and sounds, carpets with activities, The rattles, crib mobiles, etc.), to favor movement (easy to grab, crawling stimulators etc.), toys that stimulate affectivity (stuffed animals, dolls), etc.

Between 6 and 12 months of age,

The baby begins to explore objects and recognize voices. The most useful toys in addition to those of the previous stage, are those that facilitate their movements and movements, and those that allow them to explore the surrounding environment, (Balls, ragdolls, sound toys, snacks, rockers and walkers).

From 1 year old children have already passed the stage of games that only serve to watch and listen, now he likes those that force him to move are especially happy with toys that can manipulate, move, throw, push, drag, pick up and start over, (the cubes to fit and stack, corridors, strollers, musical instruments, dolls and animals, shovels, buckets, etc.).

When they turn 2 years old.

After two years, children move from the game in parallel to share games with other children. They need opportunities to interact with other children, although at the beginning of this age they will not want to share their toys nor can they obey the rules of a game they will gradually be getting it.

Children learn by playing. The game allows the child to make their own decisions - plan, build, etc. - In addition to developing their creativity , playing allows them to experience the sense of dominance. In the game they practice new skills, discover the properties of everyday objects, relate to others...

They love and are very good at this stage the games that allow you to sort materials logically and classify objects; learn songs or children's poems; listen to music and dance; play with water and sand, jump and run; the imitation games and the first symbolic games -Play to imitate the characters in his stories, care for menaces-; games that stimulate your senses (What does this smell like? Is this fruit sweet or salty?) ; Observation games, such as "see" or memory card games...

They love illustrated books: when we read stories, it improves their verbal expression and their ability to listen. We cannot forget to read you the bedtime story.

Also and they love to practice their new favorite activity, walking and running, for this, we must promote activities that involve movement. They begin to be curious about names and imitate familiar scenes so toys should try to imitate the activity of adults, hence the interest of games that stimulate their motor coordination and ultimately their creativity, (in addition to those of previous stages are: tricycles, puzzles, paintings, phones and dolls, kitchens, workshops, etc.

Soon the child will be representing characters and can express and communicate freely; it will also establish rules in the games, exercising their capacity for self-control and autonomy

The toys indicated at two years: his first construction games, games of assembling pieces, plasticize, dominoes, interactive musical toys, and dolls, pushing games or paintings.

Age toys for children

The trawlers, the corridors, walkers and four-wheel toys very stable, so you can go sit and give yourself momentum with your feet.

The big plastic or cloth balls love him and he will enjoy running after them and seeing how they move away if he pushes them and how they come back if someone else pushes them back towards him.

Constructions of large pieces of wood or plastic to stack them, stackable, cubes, fittings of various shapes, sizes and colors and simple puzzles of two or four pieces with striking drawings.

Games for the sand. The shovel and bucket of a lifetime to play on the beach or the park are a good exercise for the oculus-manual coordination.

Cars or large trucks that you can roll and load with other parts, dump and reload again.

Bath time is ideal for you to entertain yourself for a while and discover that water escapes between your fingers. You can hold it with a small glass, and that fascinates you. Ducklings, submersible books...

Musical instruments adapted to your age: drums, trumpets, piano as that emit sounds with each key, xylophones, and cassettes with microphone so you can record your voice and then listen...

Materials such as modeling clay, cookie dough, finger paint, waxes, even fine sand used under supervision, help you build strength and skill in your little hands.

Dolls, winks and stuffed animals, accessories, kitchenette, little pots, shops, medical supplies, etc.

poppy babyco
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