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Top 10 Simple Ways to Use the Metal Detector

alex radell
Top 10 Simple Ways to Use the Metal Detector

Metal detectors are electronic equipment (portable) that can be used to find a hidden treasure trove of gold, coins, artifacts, antiques and other valuable metal items that are buried and lay hidden in the ground or water. Metal detection has become one of the most popular hobbies all over the world with millions of people indulging in it with family and friends.

Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or experienced treasure hunter, you need to be aware of how to use this amazing equipment correctly, so that you are able to get to your valuable treasure easily.

Beginners - Ask for assistance

If you are a beginner, it is best to ask for assistance, so that you are able to use this valuable equipment correctly. Read the user manual that is made available by the manufacturer, so that you are aware of the different sounds that the machine emits when it discovers different types of metal. It is important to remember that each metal detector machine available in the market is different and knowing how to use them can enable you to get the best results.

Practice, practice, practice

If you want to gain expertise in using this machine, all that you need to do is to practice, practice and more practice. When you start using it you may become familiar with the different beep sounds and this can help avoid unnecessary digging. Practice in a small area so that you become accustomed to the machine and then you can go treasure hunting in a big way.

Getting used to different beeps

Each metal gives out a different beep sound. Place different metals on the ground and slowly run the detector on these so that you get used to the different sounds that the metals emit.

Orderly pattern search

When you start searching for treasure in the ground or water, it is best to do it in an orderly manner. Pick an area and start searching for gold, coins and other valuables in a systematic way. After you have marked an area, you can start from the borders and then slowly proceed all the way around. You can start searching from right to left or left to right as per your individual preference.

Navigate and find the treasure

Searching properly can enable you to navigate to an area where the treasure may be buried. If you do not navigate properly, the digging process may not yield the desired results and this can be frustrating for most treasure hunters. When you narrow down the area where the valuables are buried, you may be able to achieve better success.

Get things out of the ground

Whenever you find any type of metal, it is best to get it out of the ground and place it carefully. If the metal detected is not of value, it is advisable not to throw it back in the ground as you may come across the same junk when you go back to searching. Junk metal is best deposited in a trash bag.

Avoid cleaning artifacts

Most treasure hunters make the mistake of cleaning artifacts that they find. Artifacts need to be cleaned by experts and can be easily damaged if they are not handled properly. Treasure that is damaged may lose its value.

All types of metal search

Choose metal detectors that enable you to search for gold, coins and other metals simultaneously. This can help save a lot of time, money and effort. The success rate increases substantially when you start using a detector that can detect all types of metal.

Signal interference

Salt in the ground or water can interfere with the signal that the detector sends. The salt sensitivity needs to be adjusted, so that the signals are stabilized and you are able to find the treasure easily.

Detector headphones

Whether you treasure hunt alone or with family and friends, it is advisable to wear metal detector headphones so that you are able to head the beep accurately. The headphones may also enable you to block other disturbing sounds like vehicular traffic, loud music and conversations.


By Rahul Shariff

alex radell
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