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Kilt Outfit | Kilt Accessories for Formal and Casual Occasions

Zaeem Javed
Kilt Outfit | Kilt Accessories for Formal and Casual Occasions

Wearing a kilt on its own is not the same as wearing a kilt outfit. The difference lies in the jacket and the accessories that you choose to wear the kilt. Often called Highlands Dress, a proper kilt outfit comes with all of the accessories, ranging from something as small as the kilt belt to the kilt hose flags to something as prominent as the kilt jacket and sporran. There are a few accessories you need to keep in mind when you are considering buying a new kilt outfit if you want to follow tradition and look your best. Usually, when people want to wear a kilt outfit, it is because they are going to a formal event. If that is true, then the kilt jacket is the most important place to start. The kilt jacket can be chosen depending on just how formal you want to look. For instance, the Prince Charlie kilt jacket is elegant and sophisticated. It is the jacket you will want to wear if you are going to black tie affairs and other formal events like weddings. You can choose a more casual tweed kilt jacket in a style that best suits the occasion for less formal events. If you want a jacket that is a bit more versatile, you can go with the Argyll jacket. Depending on the one that you choose, they are able to be worn both casually and formally as well.

These types of trews are often made to look like standard suit pants. The difference between these two is that the trews tend to sit higher on the waist than standard suit trousers. This makes the measurement of the outside leg anywhere between two or three inches longer than standard trousers. Argyll tartan trews are also known for their sheer versatility. They are a great choice for those who aren’t sure which trews to wear on which occasion. When you want to wear them casually, these trews look great with a simple, thick knitted sweater or similar top. If you are hoping to wear them in a more formal setting, they can very simply be dressed up using a full-length suit jacket, a short Prince Charlie jacket, or a smart tweed Argyll jacket all the same. The fishtail back tartan trews are some of the most easily recognizable trew styles. They are made to be worn with Prince Charlie jackets, making them quite dressy, sophisticated & formal kilt wear. They are also made to be worn with braces to finish off the look. These fishtail back trews are considered to be the most traditional option of trews, making them ideal for formal occasions such as weddings and other such ceremonies.


Zaeem Javed
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