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CRL Express Moving To A Broader Spectrum - Warehousing And Distribution Network

CRL Express
CRL Express Moving To A Broader Spectrum - Warehousing And Distribution Network

CRL Express is pleased to announce that effective from the 30th of September 2019 will be relocating our existing Sydney operations to a modern, larger facility located in the heart of the industrial precinct at 490 Victoria Street, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164.

The Wetherill Park facility comprises of 7000sqm of warehouse, super awning and dock levelers for container unpacking/packing. CRL Express now offers a customized 3PL warehousing and distribution capabilities with over 5000 racked pallet provisions soon to be available.

Our 3PL Sydney services include:

  • Warehousing & distribution
  • Pick and pack
  • Container pack and unpack
  • Online stock control and reporting
  • Dangerous goods warehousing and handling *(Subject to compatibility and compliance)
  • Wharf cartage and side-loader services
  • On-demand taxi truck services
  • and more!!

CRL Express started off being as a small freight broker and has since developed a great customer service due to its innovative ideas and unique approach to logistics solutions. Our vision is to provide unsurpassed service in our logistics sector and offer our staff members a workplace like no other.

Please to get in touch contact us at https://www.crlexpress.com/contact/

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CRL Express
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