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India Joins a Select League of Nations with First Indigenous Fuel Cell System

Aahana Ashi
India Joins a Select League of Nations with First Indigenous Fuel Cell System

In a pathbreaking innovation, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in partnership with Indian industries has developed India’s first indigenous high-temperature fuel cell.

Soon, you may be able to say goodbye to diesel generators (DG Sets) and instead use a fuel cell system run on green fuel like methanol/bio-methane with heat and water as by-products for further use.

This development would reduce India’s dependence on crude oil and promote the use of green and alternate fuels.

The development of fuel cell technology carries immense national importance as it also provides an alternative to grid power.

And, India can move towards non-grid energy security.

A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy of a fuel (often hydrogen and oxygen) directly into electricity.

Aahana Ashi
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