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U.S. Dietary Supplements Market 2018 to grow at a CAGR of 7.95% Along with Eminent Players till 2023 - Asserts MRFR

Pradeep Zende
U.S. Dietary Supplements Market 2018 to grow at a CAGR of 7.95% Along with Eminent Players till 2023 - Asserts MRFR

Aug 23, 2018 (Heraldkeeper via COMTEX) -- The report for "U.S. Dietary Supplements Market" is Exclusory Available at MarketReseacrhFuture.com with Latest Advancement.

Dietary supplements in an age of personalized nutrition is regarded as one of the most noteworthy changes in the healthcare sector because of its capability to provide improved drug delivery and better patient/individual treatment process.

Female and male is further segmented into various age groups, namely, 55 + age group, 35-54 age group, 19-34 age group, and 0-18 age group.

By the dosage form, it is segmented into tablets, capsules, powder, liquids, soft gels and others.

Regional Analysis of U.S. Dietary supplements Market:

U.S. dominated the global dietary supplements in an age of personalized nutrition market owing, presence of major manufacturers such Abbott Laboratories, Pfizer Inc, Glanbia, Amway, Carlyle Group, Danone Nutricia, Nestle Health Science and increase in usage among adults between the ages of 18 and 34.

Pradeep Zende
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