Are you worried about the security of your photos and files on your Android tablet? Back up the pictures on your tablet somewhere else. A simple process can help you to secure essential files and memories and create a safe copy of your data. From your tablets, backup copy can be made of music, videos, photos, apps, and contact information. Moreover, you can secure the customized settings on your tablet and transfer them to a new one. Here are some tips to backup your photos and other data.

Our iPhone has become essential, it is a device with which we communicate with friends and family but in which we also have our personal agenda, our personal data, our photos and videos and in many cases where we keep important documents.
Having a device like the iPhone next to us all day is certainly something really useful, but it is also a risk for all the information we keep in it.
Backup copies are not always made at the right time and for some error or our system, we can lose valuable information.
But do not worry, thanks to an app called Stellar Data Recovery for iPhone you can recover anything you have deleted from your iPhone, from photos, contacts or videos to WhatsApp messages and files.
We can even access the backup copies we have made of our device in iCloud or in iTunes to find old files or that we have deleted by accident.
Recover deleted files from your iPhone is quite simple and then we show you the steps to follow.

How to download your Facebook Live Video:
Find the video in your profile, feed or on your page Probably the simplest way is to navigate to your page and click on Videos in the left sidebar.
Find the video you have like to download and click on it to open it.
Click on the three little dots in the upper right-hand corner.
Click on this option and your video will automatically be saved to your phone or computer as an MP4.
Clicking on the three dots will give you the option to Save Video in your Saved file on Facebook only.

The iPad in your hand is not just a fancy gadget for entertainment; it’s more than that. If you are a professional, this tablet can become the toolkit you need to excel in your field. Don’t forget whether it is the cheapest android tablet or an iPad, it’s a smart device and smart use of this can make miracles happen for you. We are going to discuss how the iPad can help you work as data center technician or run your own data center for your business.

If you’ve been considering buying an Apple iPad, you might say thanks to us as you can easily get a google android tablet computer for a price tag that’s just 50 % of what you will pay for an Apple iPad. Where can I get cheap tablets? Well, the answer is here. You can easily do this by choosing one of the numerous Android pc tablets that are available out there these days. Listed here are great reasons behind buying Android tablet pcs instead of buying an Apple iPad or even a cumbersome laptop.

After buying a cheap android tablet pc, you have to share your essential files. It will be comfortable with the help of a DropBox application. Remember, DropBox is a reliable application for everyone. It helps you to transfer and share files from your devices and computers.

Photographers need special tablets to manage photo editing and relevant tasks. For this reason, beginners often wonder what the cheapest tablet is for photographers. Compare different tablets for photo editing and other activities. Good tablets for photographers must have a large screen and powerful processor. It must have Lightroom or Photoshop for photo editing. Professional graphic designers and photo retouchers may use this tablet to edit photos. Choose a graphic tablet to replace a full-fledged touchscreen PC or a mouse. Here are some best photo editing tablets.