Business WordPress theme is very much convenient to use. As it can be used on various device platforms like laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and desktop. But as the time goes new requirements, and new technologies grew ups that has some certain benefits that may be required for other businesses. Because of much competition, the needs differ from business to business. Hence, there are many different platforms available that can replace WordPress websites for a large scale and new advancement.
Let us discuss some points that can be considered for satisfying some needs or redo complete WP website to other technology.
- Drupal
We would like to clear that Drupal is not for new users. As new users may not have the technical knowledge to create a website completely from scratch. Whereas Drupal includes a high level of functionality for different themes. So you may face some technical problems and bugs because of the Drupal complexity problem. But still Drupal has some advantages that they offers like
- Drupal is the best option for large scale enterprises because of its storage capacity.
- Drupal is much more robust and flexible that allows different content to add.
- You can easily manage permissions and access.
Whatever, Drupal is a better alternative to use for creating a website for major skilled developers.
- Statamic
Statamic is an extraordinary fast software. Whereas it can manage lots of data on the hard disk. Statamic is lightweighted and much secure in terms of performance and spee
In conformity with Forbes, It states that more than 75% of the website that was hacked that made up of WordPress.
The biggest and foremost problem of Drupal is that it requires the much cost. A free trial is also available but to get full functionality you will have to pay the amount. And for a license, the amount crosses 200 dollars.
- Shopify
Shopify is the best discretion for eCommerce websites. No restriction is provided for hosting plus does not require any charges to pay. But to acquire the store feature you will have to pay. The price differs in accordance to your requirements from 30 dollars to 300 dollars per month.
As WordPress offers, unlimited plugins to get features but Shopify does not offer many plugins. Therefore many owners do not prefer Shopify because somehow you will face trouble in terms of performance issues.
But rather then this, Shopify has more benefits that you can start getting sales easily. Every feature is there that can result in enough for best performance and maintenance. Hence businessmen can prefer Shopify.
- Medium
Medium is the platform that most of the users favour to use these days. The small business startups like bloggers, the corporate businessman should prefer this platform only. Most of the users wants Medium for creating a personal blog. The working style of a medium is the same as WordPress does with the lesser functionality and feature. Hence your blog will look simple but will express more meaning.
Most of the business desire to have a simple website which can inform more than confusion due to lots of effects and animations. Hence, it is quite difficult to find this type of website.
If your work is related to writing then we suggest going with a medium.
- Joomla
Joomla is preferred by users after WordPress. the main advantages of using Joomla are
- Different languages are allowed to work in Joomla.
- A number of widgets are provided by default that is flexible in nature.
- Joomla is much secure than the WordPress
If we discuss the Joomla disadvantage, it has only one i.e. Joomla is not easy to use because it does not provide many options to edit the things as compared to WordPress.
At this stage still, WordPress is undefeated in terms of performance, SEO, user-friendly etc. Therefore we suggest choosing business WordPress theme to start a new business. But still its your pleasure to choose any platform. But study well about each and each platform by considering security, maintenance, and user friendly platform that you can customize the website easily.