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Problems for Gareth Southgate as England looks for the best for finals of Euro 2020

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Problems for Gareth Southgate as England looks for the best for finals of Euro 2020

Take two, for the second consecutive game, England has the opportunity to land a place at the Euro 2020. However, a formality that has long seemed to be long could prove to be a long-term affair. Even Monday's victory in Bulgaria will not be enough if Kosovo fails to beat Montenegro.

In addition, the defeats of the Czech Republic and England when they conceded five goals in two matches mean that a procession to victory in Sofia cannot be guaranteed. England beat Bulgaria 4-0 a month ago, but fault lines have been discovered since.

They always look like a team with a powerful direct line, but defense problems and difficulty in finding the optimal combination in the midfield have brought more problems than solutions. Sports enthusiasts from around the world can purchase England Euro Cup Tickets online to enjoy its stunning performances.

Friday, Gareth Southgate used the term "wake up call", although the nationality of the winners lends itself to coverage of a "Czech reality". After two years of encouraging progress, England has regressed.

While some of Southgate's successes are due to camouflage fouls, they have been blatantly obvious in England's last 135 minutes of football. Kosovo, which ended up losing 5-3, "won" the second period 2-0. Then the Czechs came from behind to win in Prague.

Meanwhile, with Southgate showing tactical agitation, England has come full circle, letting them think of revisiting their past in search of a better future, a quest for perfection giving them a more flawed look.

For the first time in two years, Southgate played 4-2-3-1 in Prague. This showed why he was moving away from the formation. England was sometimes smaller in the midfield than Mason Mount, too advanced to No. 10, and the two men deeper, Declan Rice and Jordan Henderson, did not offer enough assists.

Southgate is now trying to return to three central defenders, a formula that has worked well at the Euro Cup Final match. But that could involve the abandonment of one of his fears feared to try to remedy a weakness. It threatens to hinder England's attack efforts. Raheem Sterling was a lower player in a 3-5-2 formation. It may not be suitable for Jadon Sancho either.

Even though Southgate remains with a defensive quartet tonight, three of Friday's failures should be missed. He would not be alone if he took qualifications for granted, but he had spent the season experimenting.

While it is odd that England has selected what appears to be their second-choice rear-guard combination in two of their last three games, it has turned against Friday.

Danny Rose composed an abject show by putting together the warning that led to a ban. Ben Chilwell should replace him on the team. When he's in shape, Luke Shaw should take his place on the team.

Southgate has adopted a different policy in the middle, but with equally fruitless results. Michael Keane had a long audition alongside Harry Maguire.

Joe Gomez was he on the side of Liverpool, a player whose pace and earliness appeal to Southgate would be an obvious solution. But, as Maguire noted, "We bring our club football to the international level."

Too many England defenders - or, in the case of Maguire, his club - are not fit. This is a good reason to start one of two unlikely candidates who should boast more confidence: former Chippenham Town player Tyrone Mings or Canada Under-20 international Fikayo Tomori, a veteran of just five Premier League debut.

In the middle of the field, Harry Winks' possession accuracy makes him an antidote to Rice and Henderson. But Tottenham's playmaker, a less physical player, would offer even less protection to this crackling defense.

Mount deserves more opportunities but Barkley has been one of the best players in his country in the past year.

They emphasize the paradoxically complicated nature of England. Even if they reach a rare historical record - semi-finalists in the World Cup and League of Nations, beaten in a lone qualification in a decade, rank fourth in the world - only Maguire, Sterling, Harry Kane and Jordan Pickford could be considered automatic choices.

If Southgate has eight months to settle his seven other choices and few games to inform his decisions. If England can always be certain they will be at Euro 2020, they do not know when they will reserve their place or, more worryingly, who they will align and in what formation.

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