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strong mesh bags

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strong mesh bags

Our Reusable Produce Bags are an easy alternative for single use plastic fruit and vegetable bags when shopping. Crafted from special rPet fabric, our produce bags are made from recycled plastic drink bottles.

Reusable Produce BagsWith many people trying to attain a closer to zero waste lifestyle, our produce bags allow you to do your weekly shop without the need for single use plastic. Our very light but deceptively strong mesh bags can hold up to 2 kilos/4.4 pounds of produce and feature a gussett and drawsting tie.

Weighing in at only 10 grams per bag, our reusable produce bags barely register on a scale and the see through mesh bags allow shop assistants to know exactly what is inside your produce bag at a glance.

The bags let water/air flow through so you can use them to wash your produce and then simply take your washed produce out, dry it off, and place in a storage container to pop into the fridge or store on the benchtop, and simply hang your bags to dry.

Available in either a 5 pack or an 8 pack, our produce bags stuff down into a brightly coloured pouch the size of your fist when not it use and can attach to a belt or bag by way of it's strong carabiner clip.

Traditional single use plastic bags can also cause 'sweating' making the life cycle of your fresh produce much shorter. The open nature of the mesh bags allows your bench top produce such as apples and oranges to 'breathe' which gives it a longer life compared to plastic bags.

The bags can be washed simply with a cool water handwash when the need arises, or they can be put on a cool gentle cycle in the washing machine. Visit this website = https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07TCKN4N8?ref=myi_title_dp&th=1

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