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Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing A Biometric Attendance Machine

Accura Network
Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing A Biometric Attendance Machine

Monitoring employee attendance can be a tiresome task for the HR department. Factors such as proxy attendance, late timings, and monitoring employee movement within office hours can be time-consuming while impacting employee performance and office productivity. 

One of the best solutions for monitoring attendance accurately is a biometric attendance system. With no way to falsify the data, this machine records the correct in and out time of every employee while also keeping track of their movements in real-time. 

However, a good biometric attendance machine has certain qualifying factors that effectively aid HR. Here, we bring you a checklist of factors to help you choose the best biometric attendance machine. 

Fingerprint Capacity

The biometric attendance system should be suitable to monitor every employee in your organisation while also accounting for future growth. A fingerprint capacity refers to the number of people that can be recorded at a particular time. The Accura Biometric Attendance Machine can record up to 3000 impressions and 100000 events making it suitable for a team of up to 200 employees.

Battery Backup Of System

Most systems run on power and need to be continually plugged in. However, power fluctuations and other concerns may require one to shift to battery for a little while occasionally. Be sure to check that the biometric attendance system has a sufficient battery backup of at least a couple of hours. The Accura Biometric Attendance Machine offers a battery backup of 4 hours making it ideal for any working environment. 

Real-Time Updates 

The best biometric system monitors employee movements in real time. This provides the Human Resource team with an accurate roadmap of every employee and their in and out time. Further, this helps ensure every employee stays within their designated areas without moving to any restricted section of the company. 

Vendor Support

Smooth running of the system is of equal importance in ensuring that you continue to accurately monitor the data. When choosing a biometric attendance machine make sure to look for a reputed vendor such as Accura that is known for its timely and doorstep customer service. 

Accura Biometric Attendance Machine 

Available in both SIM and Wi-Fi models, this biometric device is the best resource to manage employee attendance and work timing accurately. A GPRS-based device, this system records all incoming and outgoing timings in real-time and pushes it to a cloud server for backup. The model can store up to 3000 impressions and 100000 events making it suitable for a team of up to 200 employees. 

Accura Biometric Attendance Machine (SIM Model)

Accura Biometric Attendance Machine (WIFI Model)


A good biometric attendance system has become a necessity when it comes to accurately monitoring employee timings. Employee attendance has a direct impact on company productivity and performance making this a crucial step for HR. Accura offers top-quality and reliable solutions along with impeccable customer service for a successful experience.

Accura Network
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