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Natural treatments

RC Homeopathy
Natural treatments

Natural treatments involve any healing therapies that do not sit within the scope of conventional medical practices. They seek to strengthen individuals with an approach that is both holistic and preventative.

Individual health needs, medical status, the family’s medical history and lifestyle, are all give due concern in these therapies.

All cultures throughout history have had some form of natural medicine, usually called indigenous or folk medicine.

The most popular modern forms of natural medicines are Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Yoga, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Diet therapy, Reiki, Hydrotherapy, Magnetic therapy, Herbalism, Shiatsu, Aromatherapy, Chromotherapy, Bach flower remedy, and Meditation.

The healing practice of alternative medicine has been able to subdue conventional medical forms.

Natural remedies have grown considerably and created multitudes of different healing measures to aid in treating a variety of terrible illnesses plaguing the modern society today.

RC Homeopathy
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