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Envirotainer adds Hyderabad station for its RAP e2 and RKN e1 products

Indian Transport & Logistics News
Envirotainer adds Hyderabad station for its RAP e2 and RKN e1 products

October 15, 2019: Envirotainer today announced that they are upgrading their network by adding Hyderabad to the list of stations that provide a local release and return.

The secure cold chain solutions provider for air transport of pharmaceuticals will have these stations supporting its state-of-the-art e-technology containers, namely the RKN e1 and RAP e2.

nvirotainer has been expanding its sales offering in Asia-Pacific over the past years, investing in both service capabilities and an agile network model due to the demand for secure temperature-controlled airfreight solutions in the region.

The RAP e2 and the RKN e1 are FAA & EASA certified air cargo ULD’s carried by the majority of airlines in prioritized cargo status, tracked in airlines fleet management and have a quick transfer process by reducing the risk of shipment delays.

“The RAP e2 is a cost-efficient and high performing solution compared to other active and passive alternatives.

The RAP e2 container has proven its robustness and has to date shipped over 150,000 pallets of pharmaceuticals with 0.00% product loss” said the press release.

Indian Transport & Logistics News
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