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PCTE Industrial

PCTE Industrial
PCTE Industrial

Non Destructive Testing NDT Equipment - PCTE Industrial

PCTE Industrial offers non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment for sale and rental. They have a well-qualified team members to fulfil any of your testing needs be it in Industrial or Construction NDT. Contact them today!


Ultrasonic Testing Sensor & Transducer

PCTE Industrial offers ultrasonic testing equipment for flaw detection of metal of all types. Ultrasonic testing equipment includes Zonotip, positector UTG etc. Visit website for details.


Portable & Rockwell Hardness Testing - PCTE Industrial

PCTE Industrial offers hardness testing equipment for Rockwell hardness test, portable hardness test. Their range includes Equotip 550 Leeb, Equotip 550 UCI etc. Contact them today!


Magnetic Particle Non Destructive Testing - PCTE Industrial

PCTE Industrial offers UV lamp and UV light torch. Their range includes C4 Nomad and C4 Nomad Go and C4 Magnum and C4 Magnum Pro. Contact them today!


Videoscopes-IdealBorescope B - PCTE Industrial

PCTE Industrial offers videoscopes, which includes IdealBorescope B, IdealBorescope G, IdealBorescope O. Visit website, for more details.


Paint Thickness Gauge for Ferrous & Non Ferrous

PCTE Industrial offers paint thickness gauge and ultrasonic thickness gauge to measure coating thickness measurements on metal substrates. Visit website today!


Eddy Current Testing Equipment - PCTE Industrial

PCTE Industrial offers eddy current testing equipment for non-destructive testing. Eddy current equipment includes systems, standard probes, speciality probes. Contact them today!


Visual Inspection Equipment - PCTE Industrial

PCTE Industrial offers visual inspection equipment for non-destructive testing. Visual inspection equipment includes videoscopes, crack camera and crack measuring tools. Contact them today at 08 9322 4020!

PCTE Industrial
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