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NDT Courses in Chennai | NDT Institute in Chennai

NDT Courses in Chennai | NDT Institute in Chennai

Non-Destructive Testing is the branch of engineering concerned with all methods of detecting and evaluating flaws in materials. Flaws can affect the serviceability of the material or structure, so Non Destructive testing courses in Chennai  is important in guaranteeing safe operation as well as quality control and assessing plant life. The flaws may be cracks or inclusions in welds and castings, or variations in structural properties that can lead to loss of strength or failure in service. The essential feature of NDT is that the test process itself produces no deleterious effects on the material or structure under test. IEQS provide highly skilled, experienced and motivated personnel qualified and certified in accordance with international certification schemes (e.g. PCN (EN 473/ IS0 9712), ANSI CP-189 and SNT-TC 1A) in the conventional techniques that have underpinned the NDT industry from its earliest days.

Industrial Engineering Quality Solutions Group’s NDT services are utilized across all industry sectors from transport and aerospace to oil and gas, power and medical. It includes inspection of both metallic and non-metallic (polymer and composite) components and structures. According to requirements, NDT can be undertaken during production, post-production, in-service and following repair. Our NDT training institute in Chennai inspection facilities and expertise are also a key component of our failure investigation service and can provide key test data as part of a fitness for service or risk-based inspection procedure.


NDT Level III refresher training at IEQS GROUP follows the training syllabus detailed in ANSI/ASNT CP-105 where applicable.


IEQS NDT Training Centre in Chennai is designed to allow delivery of ever better training, qualification assessments and administrative services in non-destructive testing to the industrial community.


Our NDT courses in Chennai are designed for the company and individual who want to learn how to perform a specific non-destructive test for limited applications.


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