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Rights of children in islam, Solution of child labour problem.

Rights of children in islam, Solution of child labour problem.

As a result of their child labor, their mentality and physical harm are caused.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) had developed the right to work in the religion of the people with neglected facilities, food, clothing, education, housing, medical and entertainment for the neglected children.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'The person who does not love children does not belong to us.

Because poor parents are unable to spend their family expenditure or due to their lack of income, the children continue to earn money in the place of parents and mothers.

Before many children understand the affection of their parents, the labor of labor in all areas including mills, hotels, restaurants, field-ghat-hats, has become a cause for unhappiness in life.

With children, they engage in various kinds of criminal activities including begging, theft, robbery, drugs, by striking, picketing, vandalizing and muting them.

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