From fitness tracker to tablets, these pieces of tech make their life easier.
We have rounded up such pieces of technology you should provide your elders.
Let’s check out what makes our list of tech gadgets for seniors:
Tablets are a perfect source of entertainment as well as they are easy to handle for seniors.
They can play game or access useful apps.
Wireless headphones help your grandpa hear music from their device better.
As we grow young, we forget the contribution our elders have made to our life.
Let us grow responsibly and always honor their love, time, efforts, and affection by taking care of them when they need us the most.International Day of Older Person!
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Finding an Old Age Home that provides complete solution for all elder.
Jivan Rang Care Center Old Age Home it is licensed assitsted living family home that provides assitsed elder care in loving home environment.
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You know that the company you work for is in bad financial condition?
You don't need to worry that because of the bankruptcy of the employer, will not receive salary arrears.
Contributions to the Fund of Guaranteed Benefits
Every employer who employs workers on the basis of an employment contract, is obliged to pay contributions to the Fund of Guaranteed Benefits (FGŚP).
That is a maximum of 33 days of illness per calendar year, and for persons older than 50 years - up to 14 days;
compensation for unused vacation for the year, which had terminated the employment contract, but also for the year prior.