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TOP 5 Best Meditation Apps in Australia

Alex Harpper
TOP 5 Best Meditation Apps in Australia

According to the Center for Disease Control (CNDC), Adults between the ages of 18 and 44 in Australia were more likely to practice yoga than the older individuals, while practicing meditation was most common among adults between the ages of 45 and 64.

Meditation is an experience of relaxing the body, quieting the mind, and awakening the spirit. According to science, meditation plays a role in both physical and mental wellbeing. It appears to have a positive effect on specific ailments like depression, uneasiness, and sleeping disorder. Other studies have demonstrated that meditation eases high blood pressure and helps in preventing nicotine reliance.

Meditation might be an ancient tradition, but it’s practiced in societies everywhere throughout the world to create a feeling of calm and inner harmony. In Australia, Educators are adding yoga and meditation in classrooms daily for children, while companies are looking forward to conducting yoga sessions for their employees.

Alex Harpper
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