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Sachin Dev Duggal Nivio Co-Founder

Alia Malhotra
Sachin Dev Duggal Nivio Co-Founder

Nivio Co-Founder and Chief Wizard, Sachin Dev Duggal is also CEO of engineer.ai stated, "nivio is an overall start up that is bringing the cloud rational. With accepted, world class cloud stage accomplices, for instance, Rackspace and Wyse, we can offer a cloud work territory course of action not in any manner like some other to our customers around the globe."

Nivio, an Indian start-up, has announced beta registration for its completely functional Windows desktop from the cloud for users in the U.S. nivio brings in access to an app store, wherein users can rent applications like a complete Microsoft productivity suite and also take advantage of the 10GB upgradable, free storage.

The Gurgaon-based firm with more than 100 employees was founded in 2004 by Sachin Dev Duggal and Saurabh Pradeep Dhoot.

It is now all set to expand globally.

nivio gives users instant access to their applications, data and desktop in the cloud, from any device.

nivio eliminates concerns about software upgrades, viruses and storage and can be accessed via a range of downloadable client applications or directly from the browser using HTML 5 including the Google Chromebook.

nivio Co-Founder & Chief Wizard, Sachin Dev Duggal said, “nivio is a global start-up that's bringing the cloud down to earth.

Alia Malhotra
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