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Technological innovations in the Agricultural Machinery In India

Andrew Thomas
Technological innovations in the Agricultural Machinery In India

It makes sense to apply technology to enhance production in the commercial cultivation sector as there are profit margins to fulfil, so in this sector, technology has been adopted faster.

These include cold storages, greenhouses to shield crops against weather, wind/solar powered irrigation channels and hand operated, smaller electrical equipment for post-harvest production.

Big commercial farms, whether they produce tobacco, cotton, maize, coffee or tea require machinery – only because what they do is on a bigger scale and includes various operations like tilling, clearing, transplanting, irrigating, inter-culture, fertilizer applications, and harvesting.

Commercial farmers have to figure out how to get more produce using less land area.

Canal irrigation isn’t good in a lot of areas.

Crop yields are impacted, even damaged due to excessive weather conditions.

Andrew Thomas
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